Price Management

In practice it is frequently not easy to accomplish internally set pricing targets on the market. Of course, there are always external reasons a company cannot influence in this respect. But many important parameters influencing price achievement can be set internally.

The following list gives an overview about the most important price management issues I can offer advice and support for:

Challenge / Task Questions / Measures to be clarified
Price Strategy Analysis of market and competitors
What is achievable short-/ mid-term?
Price Systems Analysis and optimization –
Considering customer value but flexible?
Price Realization Set clear internal price limits
Intensive preparation of important negotiations
Create argumentation aids for staff
Efficient Price Controlling Set up specific analysis
Create transparency, illustrate the need for action, point out and realize quick wins
Price Setting New Product Launches Set starting price as optimal as possible

If one or more of these topics are of interest to you, I am looking forward to your call or contact.